Thursday 10 October 2013

Why Masturbation is Unlawful in Islam?

Since most of  Muslims,  need proof not
logic, here is some rules (proof) for it
being a sin….The Ruling Regarding
Masturbation is that it is Unlawful. This
is the ruling of the 4 schools of thought

1:- Hanafiyah 2:- Shafi’eyah 3:- Malikiyah 4:- Hanbaliya

One riwayah (narration) from Imaam
Ahmed. They have drawn their
conclusions from the following proofs:-
Proofs from the QUR’AN ALLAH Ta’aala
says: “And those who guard their private
parts save from their wives and those (slave-girls – but it is finished now)
which their right-hands own – so there is
no blame upon them. Then whoever
seeks beyond that (which is lawful),
they are the transgressors.” (Surah Al
Mu’minoon : Verse 5 & 6) The intended meaning of these Ayat is clear. ALLAH
Ta’aala has praised the believers for
guarding their private parts from that
which He has made forbidden upon
them. ALLAH has permitted them to
approach their wives and slave-girls. Thereafter, these Words of ALLAH
Ta’aala follow:- Whoever seeks beyond
that which is lawful are oppressors who
overstep from halaal (permitted) towards
haraam (prohibited). Hafiz Ibne Katheer
Rahmatullah alaihi writes: “Imaam Shaafie Rahmatullah alaihi and those
who have agreed with him have
concluded that masturbation is haraam
from this aayah.” He says:
“Masturbation is excluded from these
two types which ALLAH has made halaal, viz. wives and slave-girls.”

Similarly, these Fuqahaa (Jurists) have
drawn their conclusion from the following
aayah: “And those who do not find the
means to marry should remain chaste
until ALLAH gives them resources by
His Grace.” (Surah AL-Nur: Ayah 33) This aayah shows masturbation to be
haraam because of two reasons:

Firstly: In this aayah ALLAH Ta’aala has given the command of chastity and,
according to the principles of fiqh, a
command (an imperative) denotes
wujoob (incumbency, obligation). Hence
to remain chaste is wajib (compulsory)
and wherever chastity is wajib it becomes wajib to refrain from that which
is contrary to it, for example, adultery,
fornication, and sodomy. This is due to
the fact that obligatory chastity will not
materialize except by complete
refinement from all that which is contrary to chastity.

Secondly: In this aayah ALLAH Ta’aala has made chastity obligatory on those
who are unable to execute the command
of nikah. Here ALLAH Ta’aala has not
determined any connection or link
between marriage and chastity. Hence,
this demands that masturbation should be haraam. And if assuming, it was
permissible, then ALLAH Ta’aala would
have mentioned it at this point because
this was the place of its explanation.
The silence maintained by
ALLAH Ta’aala with regards to it at a place which requires its explanation,
denotes that masturbation is haraam.
Imaam Qurtubi Rahmatullah alaihi has
written in the tafseer of this aayah: “And
when ALLAH Ta’aala has not
determined any order between nikah and chastity, then this shows that besides
these two, everything else is haraam.
However, this hurmat (unlawfulness)
does not include slave-girls because
another command of the QUR’AN
makes them mubaah (permissible), viz. “That which the right-hands earn (i.e.
slave girls).” Hence in this matter an
addition of slave-girl has come.
Masturbation, however still remains

“Those who seek beyond this (i.e wives
and slave girls] are
transgressors.” (Surah Ma’aarij : Verse
31) Under the tafseer of this aayah,
Qadhi Thanaullah Paani Patti writes:
“Imaam Baghawi has deduced from this aayat that masturbation is haraam.

Proofs from the Ahaadeeth

1. Similarly, the Fuqahaa have drawn their conclusion from a hadeeth reported
by Abdullah bin Mas’ud Radiallahu anhu
in Bukhari and Muslim. He says that
Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam
said: “O group of youth! Whoever from
amongst you can marry should do so because it keeps the gaze low and it
protects the private parts. And he who
cannot marry should make it
compulsory upon himself to fast
because it breaks lust.” (Bukhari : vol.6,
pg.117 ; Muslim: vol.10, pg.172) Nabi sallallahu alaihi wasallam has directed
the person who is incapable of bearing
the burden of nikah towards saum
(fasting). If assuming, masturbation was
permissible Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wasallam would have mentioned it at this point. Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wasallam however, maintained silence.
Hence, this indicates that masturbation
is haraam because the maintaining of
silence at the place of explanation gives
the benefit of restriction.

2. Some of the fuqahaa have drawn their conclusion from a narration reported by
Hasan bin Arfah that Nabi sallallahu
alaihi wasallam said: “Seven persons
are such that ALLAH will not look at
them on the Day of Qiyaamah nor will
He purify them nor will He include them amongst the learned and ALLAH will
enter them into Jahannum. They will
enter Jahannum first except for those
who repent. As for those who repent
Allah will accept their repentance. A
person who masturbates. A person who performs the act of sodomy. The person
upon whom the act of sodomy is
performed. A perpetual drunkard The
person who hits his parents so much so
that they appeal for help. The person
who harms his neighbors so much so that they curse him. The person who
commits adultery with his neighbor’s
wife.” (Ibn Katheer: vol.5, pg.458)

3. Hadhrat Anas Radiallahu anhu narrates that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi
wasallam said: “The person who
performs nikaah with his hands (i.e. he
masturbates) is cursed.” (Tasfseer
Mazhari: vol.12, pg.94) Sayings of our Pious Predecessors with
Regard to Masturbation Sa’eed bin
Jubair Radiallahu anhu says: “ALLAH
Ta’aala will inflict a punishment on a
group of people because they played
with their private parts.” Attaa Rahmatullah alaihi says: “Some people
will be resurrected in such a condition
that their hands will be pregnant, I think
they are those who masturbate.”

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