Saturday, 21 December 2013

Why Education is Called Power?

Why Education is Called Power?

t is great quote that “without education man is a slave “. While some philosophers called education is power and life. In 21st century, we all want to be free. We all want to be wealthy and superior of others. The shadow of materialistic system of ‘give and take’ seems to be rooted at the deep foundation and this can be painted with the scheme of a whole cycle whose basic element is ‘education’. Education was born with the birth of the first human in this earth and it will continue as long as the human race lives. It is not only doing homework, reading books, attached with an academic institution or knowing how to read or write; it makes you a man of great personality, ‘makes you who you are ‘.
Education is a sign of freedom, love and peace. Here it is important that one should know the difference between being educated and being literate. some points are given below:
1. Sign of Personality

personality-developmentA very common sensed that education is sign of making personality. Education is basic need of every human being. The view of “Beauty Without Brains” isn’t acknowledge. Only shiny face will not support you long because as we interact we will be judged and if we are illiterate and don’t know how to interact with people, frustration and discouragement will knock our door. Nobody wants to have foolish friends and you cannot always pass with your pretty face . So you need to have some great manners to develop a particular image and respect in people’s mind and education teaches  you just that .  ‘Education’ is the backbone of personality traits.
2. Social Interaction

Education is a agent of attraction . It helps you to improve your social interaction and provides you the opportunity of meeting different people across the world . Educated kids having the power of understanding latest applications and technologies like smart phones and social networking sites like Facebook and twitter provide them the path to know the world . It helps you to adjust according to the world . Education keeps you awake about the new events happening around and teaches you to adapt accordingly. It helps in building relationships , teaches how to  maintain them.
3. Skills/Managements 

management skillsOne of the most necessary feature is management. One has to be trained enough to manage things in the right way. Education show us how to manage. You give exams in a specific set of time so that you manage the time break according to your paper and finish it in the given specific time. In practical life also , you will be given deadlines to finish the work or you will not be rewarded . And nothing else except education teaches you that . From the childhood , you are trained to face the real world and education provides you that opportunity. It makes you perfect to be managed and organized enough so that you can achieve your goal easily.
4. Education is Investment

education is best investmentEducation is the best investment of life for the future . It will definitely pay you back with more profits. Education is the only thing which will make you easily stand somewhere in life. It will show you to use your skills that you learned in your early age. Education will never leave you alone with empty-handed. The hard work that you put-in will show results later in the future. Education will never leave you useless. Education is the only best friend till dead. The more we use it the more will be attractive. It is a key to happiness and you have to just confident in yourself and never give up. If you are a hard worker and well educated man, you don’t need to run after success, the success will come and find you one day. Education is must and doesn’t matter how bored you feel, you have to study for your long term life and not just to pass your exams.
5. Good or Bad

It is a ‘show off’ world  and it’s in our nature behaviour that we express what is good and hide the bad. In order to make good popularity among your familiarity, relations and friends, it is important that you are academically sound. Parents mostly compare their children’s academic qualification and grades to prove their edge and establish a sense of superiority between them. Thus, in an intention not to disappoint them and save yourself the embarrassment in front of your friends, one needs to be educated. so no matter how much ‘cool’ you want to be you need to be educated.  Education signifies man’s supreme position in society.

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