Saturday, 19 October 2013

Two digital communication satellites collided one of them is Russian while the other is American for the first time.

 Two digital communication satellites collided one of
them is Russian while the other is American for the
first time. Such incident makes us contemplate what
Allah says in the holy Qur'an “He withholds the sky
from falling on the earth” Let’s read…

 Despite the vastness of the circumterrestrial outer
space and despite the small number of satellites
which are very small in comparison to the celestial
bodies, and despite the highly developed techniques
that astronomers have come up with, the possibility
that such satellites might collide is still there and it's actually what happened.

 NASA said that the American Iridium satellite collided
with an out of service Russian satellite in the Siberian
atmosphere while the first was rotating very fast at
the height of 780 Km. This incident has been affirmed
by the Russian space agency Roscosmos saying that
a Russian satellite weighing almost 1000 Kg and which was launched in 1993 and has been out of
service lately collided with another satellite.

The collision caused the formation of a huge cloud in
the space out of the wreckage of both satellites and it
would take weeks for this cloud to vanish. NASA
says that since 1957, around 6 thousand satellites
have been launched three thousands of which are still
currently active and they revolve round the earth constantly, but this is the first time that two satellites
collide. NASA added that it’s observing the collision
wreckageand hopes that most of it would burn when
entering the airspace. There are concerns that the
wreckage spreads in the space and collides with the
International space station that revolves round the earth at the height of 435 Km. NASA, however
confirmed that the collision doesn’t constitute any
threat to the international space station where there
are three astronauts currently adding that the station’s
orbit is 400 Km less than the path of the collision's
wreckage. NASA asserts that the space station is able to maneuver when necessary to evade colliding
with the wreckage.

Nickolas Johnson, spokesman of Johnson space
center, says that the wreckage poses little danger to
the giant Hubble space telescope which is close to
the collision position and the earth observing
satellites. Specialized astronomers in space say the
waste that result from old satellites wreckage expressed growing concern over the increase of such
waste in the space that started to constitute a danger
to space shuttle flights.

 A comment on this scientific news

This news about the two satellites collision made me
pause and I remembered the following Qur'anic verse:

 “Seest thou not that God has made subject to you
(men) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail
through the sea by his command? He withholds the
sky (rain) from falling on the earth except by His
leave: for God is Most Kind and Most Merciful to
man.” Hajj:56

And also the following verse:

“It is God who sustains the heavens and the earth,
lest they cease (to function): and if they should fail,
there is none—not one— can sustain them thereafter:
verily He is Most Forbearing, oft-Forgiving.” Fatir: 41

These verses have long been used by skeptics as a
means of challenging the truthfulness of Qur'an.
Nevertheless, in light of this scientific news, we
realize the significance of these Qur’anic verses.
Despite the great techniques the West has; they
have, for instance, scientific laboratories, intelligent minds, scientists, and giant computers. Still all such
technologies failed to observe a very small satellite
that was diving in the space. I'd like therefore to ask
atheists how this spacious universe is functioning
with all these billions of billions of celestial bodies,
galaxies, meteors, black holes, and stars. Could all these bodies function by mere coincidence! That’s
why we should realise the meaning of this verse:

“God! There is no god but He,—the Living, the Self-
subsisting, Eternal. no slumber can seize Him nor
sleep” Baqara: 255

Imagine if Allah slumbers for only one second, what
would happen? The entire universe would cease to
exist, it would collapse, and collisions would take
place, and there would be nothing left of this universe.
That’s why Allah says:

“…His Throne doth extend over the heavens and the
earth, and He feeleth no fatigue in guarding, and
preserving them for He is the Most High, the Supreme
(in glory).” Baqara: 255

All glory to Allah.

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