Wednesday 25 November 2015

1400 yr old ultra-precise prophecy about ISIS

Tired of vague prophecies which can be interpreted in 1000 ways? 
You ask yourself how come no one brings a succinct prophecy which is clear and easy to understand? 

Well, then check this 1400 yr old prophecy out: 

"If you see the black flags *, then remain on the ground and do not move a hand or a leg. 
A group of feeble folk to whom no concern is given will then appear - their hearts are like iron [1]. 
They are the owners of the state [2]. 
They fulfill neither a contract nor a covenant [3]. 
They call to the truth, but they are not its people [4]. 
Their names are a kuniya and their lineage (surnames) are a town [5]. 
Their hair is unwinding, like the hair of a women [6]. 
(Do this) until they differ in it between themselves, then Allah will give the right to whomever HE desires."

Reference: Prophet Muhammad, as narrated by Ali ibn abi Talib, in the collection Kitaab Al Fitan by Nu’am bin Hammad, Hadith # 557 

Now, see this explanation of the key points: 

* - ISIS uses a black flag which fits in perfectly with the prophecy. 

1. - The hadith says they are a feeble folk to whom no concern is given, i.e. they are relative newcomers to the fight in Syria, which then surprisingly achieve much success in a lightning flash - but their hearts are from iron. The arabic used here means they are CRUEL and MERCILESS. The countless slaughterings from ISIS surely fit in here quite well. 

2. - The most amazing part of the prophecy is this here: The hadith says LITERALLY (in arabic) that these people are the owners of DAWLA (state) - a word which wasn't even used in the time of Muhammad because there was no concept of "states" in that time - the word DAWLA from the prophecy was basically used verbatim as said by Muhammad although hadith collectors for generations most probably had no idea whatsoever what it meant! But, how does ISIS call itself today? "DAWLA al Islamiya" (the Islamic State). This fact is simply amazing! 

3. - ISIS had quite a few contracts with other rebel groups and other al-qaida groups and they BROKE all their covenants! This is a known fact. 

4. - ISIS calls to "Sharia" (God's Law) but they themselves do not uphold it! The Sharia for example orders the muslims to treat their prisoners well, to feed them with what they feed themselves and then to FREE THEM and escort them to wherever they would wish to go! The Sharia PROHIBITS the torture or killing of prisoners. Yet, what does ISIS do? 

5. - Another amazing part of the Prophecy: The hadith says these ISIS guys will have a Kunya as their name (a kunya is a pseudonym), like Abu-so and so - and what are the names of all the ISIS Leaders? "Abu-Bakr", "Abu-Musa", etc. But wait, the hadith even says that they will use "towns" as their last names! Again, what are the "last names" of the ISIS dudes? "Al-Baghdadi", "Al-Anbari", etc. Simply amazing! 

6. - Have you seen pictures of the overwhelming majority of ISIS dudes? Almost all of them have long hair! 

This hadith from the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is an extremely precise prophecy about ISIS - a 1400 yr old testament to the truthfulness of Muhammad. 

And since there are literally hundreds of other prophecies from Muhammad ... if you wanna know what's next to come ...

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